الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

Oscar Fish (Astronotus Ocellatus)

oscar Oscar Fish (Astronotus Ocellatus)The Oscar fish is also known as Tiger Oscar, Albino Oscar, Velvet Cichlid or Marbled Cichlid. The genus name for this fish is Astronotus Ocellatus and it can be found from Rio Paraguay to Orinoco, in South America. The maximum length reached is 35cm (14 inches) and you will need a tank that is 120cm (48 inches) in length if you want this fish. The temperature of the water should vary from 22 to 26C (72 to 79F). You should feed them chopped meat, insects, worms, dried food and crustaceans.
Plenty of people have Oscar fish in their aquariums, as they have a long lifespan (10 years) and their personality is quite distinct. This fish is very intelligent and they are even able to learn tricks. They can learn who gives them food and they will react differently to them. Since each of them is unique in their own way, it’s a pleasure having one.
There are a number of patterns and colors on an Oscar fish, so they have names like Albino, Red Fire, Tiger, Zebra and Red.
While the reputation of the Oscar fish says that he’s quite aggressive, this isn’t true. They got this reputation because they enjoy eating anything that fits in the mouth. If you compare these fish with other Cichlids, they’re actually a bit mellow and in plenty of cases they will be bullied by other fish. Since they are territorial fish, they might become aggressive when the pair is spawning. You might also have issues when the tank is too small for them.
oscar 2 Oscar Fish (Astronotus Ocellatus)Oscar fish should be placed only together with bigger fish, because smaller fish will get eaten by them.
Because Oscar fish enjoy digging, you shouldn’t place rooted plants in their aquarium. If you do, the fish will keep digging and moving the gravel.
The Oscar pair will clean a site for them to spawn, usually on a rock. After the eggs are released, they will adhere on that rock and the parents will guard them both. A few days later the eggs will hatch and they will be moved to a sand pit for another week

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